Amal Fakha

Amal Fakha is a public health professional with an extensive international vocational experience in the field of health services delivery planning, advisory, and management. Furthermore Amal holds a Master of Public Health with a concentration in Management & Health Policy from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sante Publique, France. She recently commenced working as a PhD - early stage researcher in the TRANS-SENIOR program with an emphasis on improving the implementation of innovations in long-term care. She is working on 'Improving implementation of innovations in long-term care'.  You can find more information about her research project here.

Throughout her career, Amal experienced the major difficulties that weakens the processes of decision-making, resource allocation, and conducive policy development in care delivery. Hence she has a huge interest to investigate the potential transformative innovations that can be applicable to enhance the transitional care in seniors given the current EU challenge of an expanding ageing population. More specifically, her PhD research work will focus on first exploring the factors influencing the implementation of transitional care innovations, and second on developing a toolbox of strategies for the dissemination and implementation of transitional care interventions in multiple settings.

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On 10 July 2023, Amal successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Improving the Implementation of Transitional Care Innovations". More details.


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