Estera Wieczorek

Estera Wieczorek is a PhD Student in the TRANS-SENIOR program and will be conducting research at the Jagiellonian University in Poland and Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Estera holds a Bachelor degree in European Public Health from the Maastricht University, where she also studied at the Sheffield University in the United Kingdom. Moreover, she graduated as Master in Healthcare Policy Innovation and Management and Master in Global Health from Maastricht University in 2018.

During her studies, Estera had an opportunity to do her internships at the European Commission and at the Trimbos Institute in the Netherlands, where she worked as a research assistant in the field of health policy.

Her main research interests include aging in Europe, sustainability, efficiency and health systems financing. She obtained a Marie Curie Fellowship as an early stage researcher. The topic of her PhD research deals with optimizing care transitions in senior citizens. You can find more information about her research project here.

You can find Estera here:



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