Meet the TRANS-SENIOR Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) or PhD students.
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'Multi-national multiple case examination of integrated care models for optimal transitions'.
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'Improving implementation of innovations in long-term care'.
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'A collaborative intervention integrating home care and nursing home care'.
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'Evaluating new triage protocols for senior citizens who seek unplanned care'.
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'Involvement: how best to engage senior citizens and their informal caregivers'
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'A practice guideline for empowerment in transitional care decision making'.
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'Transitional care impact of integrated care projects'.
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'Developing guidance or necessary & avoidable care transitions in senior citizens'.
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'Implementing INSPIRE, an integrated community care program for senior citizens'.
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'CAPABLE-NL community care intervention for avoiding transitions to institutional care'.
Early Stage Researcher with research project 'Financing long-term care systems, particularly for optimised care transitions'.
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